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  • Lots of legends came by KRVS in the 80's and lots of legends joined the station then too: Bobby Charles, Clifton Chenier, Raoul Breaux, and more! In this episode we hear from Raoul Breaux, Michael Doucet, Judith Meriwether, and Karl Fontenot. Sponsored by Lafayette Travel.
  • Stephanie Smallwood, one of Lafayette's first black female radio voices, tells us about DJ Names, breaking hits on her show "The Ebony Experience" and more during her time as a student in the late 70's and early 80's. Sponsored by Lafayette Travel.
  • For a young person, learning French is one thing, but figuring out how you can use it to build a career in Louisiana is another. KRVS' promotion of the French language not only creates jobs using that skill but influences French speakers to stay in Acadiana adding to the French-speaking, creative economy. In this episode, we hear from young professionals Matt Mick of CODOFIL and Drake Benoir LeBlanc of Télé-Louisiane. Sponsored by Lafayette Travel.
  • Talking transmitters may sound like a snooze... but Chief Engineer Karl Fontenot didn't add "snake handler" to his resume by sitting at his desk...Learn more with stories from Dave Spizale, Karl Fontenot, and Judith Meriwether. Sponsored by Lafayette Travel.
  • Hello listeners! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us here at KRVS.We apologize for the inconvenience, but listening on demand and playlists…