Parisienne trio Pays P. (period after the "P," please) has the heightened melodrama of a rock band shattering glass castles. There's a savagery and a delicacy within "Corps vs cœur," from the debut album Ça v aller, that grabs you by the scuff of the neck and plants a kiss on the cheek. Dynamic vocalist Laura Boullic alternates between French spoken word — abstract images and questions of love lost — and howls of pain: "Had the breeze of love, but I sold it!" (The accompanying video, which features some brief nudity, expresses that romantic anguish.) Brothers Lucas (guitar) and Pablo Valero (drums) respond in kind, turning that breeze of love into a whammy-bar whirlwind of swaggering chaos. In the final minute, the track recalls Japanese rock trio Boris on a psychedelic Led Zeppelin trip, screaming through the void on doomy blues bombs and triumphant feedback.
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